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Season 5 Epidose 1 - Ogygia Review

It is really hard to understand the terminology of new Season.

Officially Prison Break Season 5 called Prison Break: Sequel. And Season 5 Epidose 1 can be also called S1E1. But its name is Ogygia, its all the same on all websites :)

You can watch Prison Break: Sequel online first episode Ogygia at fox but it can be limited for some countries.

First of all i am really miss that theme. When i hear the sound i go to 2009. Yes, After 8 years we are start with Michael's eyes again.

After Michael i see Fox River Again.It teleports me the Season 1 again and again. What a great times, i am a teenager and looking my watch like Michael Scofield and seem like planning something (of cource nothing) evey minute. So here is the great castle of my childhood

And the new producers are Michael and Lincoln. (dominic purcell and wentworth miller brothers :) )

I dont want to make any spoiler but there will be something about the new tatto of Michael

At the end, who the hell is Kaniel Outis? And is there really a prison called Ogygia at Yemen? (No, there is no prison named Ogygia is a island in a poem Homer’s , The Odyssey, Greek)

So, is it worth to wait. Yes yes yes. I really love the first episode. I think every fan loves this episode because to see old friends is a big gift and worth to wait.

It this episode we only meet 6 old friend. Michael, Linc, Sara , Bagwell, Sucre and C-note

Michael Scofield
Lincoln Burrows
Dr. Sara Tancredi
Fernando Sucre
Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell
Benjamin “C-Note” Franklin

Season 5 Epidose 1 - Ogygia Review Reviewed by CanerboY on 1:10 AM Rating: 5

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